segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2010

The Power of the Box

I like watching TV. I watch TV almost every day. When I return from school I immediately switch on the TV set.
My favourite TV channels are Disney channel and MTV and my favourite TV programmes are CSI, the soap operas Sweet Strawberries and Red Moon and so on.
These days a lot of people watch TV. Watching TV is good and entertaining not only because people can get to know more about the world but also because it is a companion for elderly people and a babysitter for young children.

Ana Rita 8 C
quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010


Hello, my name is Bruno Conceição and when I can, I practice freeride, that is an extreme sport. To do it, you need a mountain bike, protection equipment, a mountain field and lots od adrenaline. We practice freeride in mountains and the objective is to run them down in a free style mode. There are no specific rules about the sport. So, if you are curious about it you can start to practice right now.
I would also like to comment that the Portuguese freeride club is decreasing the members number. I would like my colleagues could practice this sport. It's fun and it would also help the club!

Published by Bruno Conceição.
sábado, 22 de maio de 2010

SPELLING: Practice

From the choices provided after each sentence select the word that, correctly spelled, would complete the sentence. Submit the form using the SUBMIT APPLICATION button at the end of the exercise. Your score will be returned to you in a few seconds.


Irregular Verbs

More Activities to do on Irregular Verbs

In the space provided, write the proper form of the irregular verb named in parentheses after the space. Either a simple past or a participle form of the verb will be required. (Don't write more than one word in each space.) The TAB key will take you from one space to the next. When you've filled in all the spaces, click on "Submit Application" and the computer will grade your responses and provide correct answers (in red) where there are any mistakes.


SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT: Additional Practice 1

Hello again dear students!

From the choices provided after each sentence select a word that would correctly complete the sentence. Submit the form using the SUBMIT APPLICATION button at the end of the exercise. Your score will be returned to you in a few seconds.


The Messy Attic

Hello Students,

Do you want to help cleaning the attic? Let's try to clean as much objects you can!

segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

English Crosswords

Ready to practice your vocabulary with crosswords in English?
Just click on the picture below and copy it to yuor local computer. Try to solve it and show it to your teacher in the next classroom.

Good Luck!

Virtual Tour to London

This is one of the most interesting virtual tours to a city ever made available. You can see around many photos just like if you were there... Just press your mouse over the pictures and move it around. For a more emersive experience choose full screen view.

Follow the link.

Your teacher: Sandra Tomaz.

What Can You Find in Your Kitchen?

Hello again Students!

Can you find what is in the kitchen ?
Good luck!


Get Your Clothes Fast, Before it Rains!

Hello Students!

Here's another game for you. You need to know what are the right clothes to dress in less than 1 minute.

Are you ready? Use The Space bar to jump and directional keys to move.

domingo, 16 de maio de 2010

Alien Language

Hi Students!

Solve this worksheet to practice the reported speech!
quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

The Towers of London

Explore the wonders of this awesome fortress, and the stories behind them.
Discover for yourself some of the Tower’s sights and stories, whether you’re planning your visit or just wanting to learn more about this iconic palace and its history.

See everything at:
The towers of London site.


Who is Britain’s new Prime Minister?

domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

Take on the TEACHER!!!

Would you like to be better than your English teacher?
Play this game and check your final score in order to see if you can!

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

Story of a little kittie

One of these days, late afternoon, I and my sisters were walking near our garage when a baby cat fell off the roof.

We took her home and during the first days we fed her. We gave her milk and we agreed to call her KITTY. I really loved taking care of her but two days later I took her back home to be near her mother. Now she is being fed by her mother, living on the roof of my house and she is getting bigger and bigger and she is healthy. May one day, when she grows up, I’ll have her as a pet.


Written by Ana Lúcia Mateus

8 A

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